Prayer to the God of Higher Ways

O God of Higher Ways,

O Lord of Greater Thoughts:


You have graced my life thus far

with more than I could have guessed.


In Your thoughts redemption originated;

in Your gift of Christ it was accomplished.


Your heart and mind overwhelm me,

yet Your Spirit brings comfort and peace.


Oh Father,

You know the full number of my days

and the hundreds of little destinies

within each one.

Open my eyes to see them.

Empower my feet to follow You.


I release my limited dreams and desires

to You.

Sweep me into the star-filled skies

of Your possibilities,

into the length and breadth

of Your love.


You have immersed me in Your goodness

and You will do so again—

today, and in the season ahead.


I set my face toward the suns of Your eyes

and will not look away.





3 Responses to “ “Prayer to the God of Higher Ways”

  1. Optimistic Existentialist says:

    Great poem! I was looking at blogs on blogger and came across yours. You have a lot of talent! Care if I follow your blog? You can follow mine as well? I look forward to reading more of your work!

  2. Joanne Chantelau says:

    Thank you for stopping and reading and commenting! Yes, of course you can follow my blog. I'm checking yours out as well. Your piece on free will vs. determinism is interesting. And I'm sorry about your lost love.

  3. Optimistic Existentialist says:

    It's alright 🙂 we become stronger through trials and tribulations. I look forward to reading more of your work!

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