Redeemed woman in a broken world. That’s the phrase that describes my life, beliefs, and writing goals. My writing ponders both internal perspectives and external events through the lens of faith in Jesus Christ, always looking for the path to redemption. That’s where the white chrysanthemum in my logo comes in—it represents truth. For me, truth is as central and precious as implied in this haiku by Japanese poet Chora:
white chrysanthemums making all else about them reflected riches
I write poems, articles, blogs, and books, and you can find links to my published works throughout my website. For many years, I wrote about my experiences as a single Christian woman continually seeking for truth in the midst of that long-term and unexpected circumstance. That’s what my book, Not Meant to Be, is all about (Inkwell Literary Press, 2018).
Originally a small-town Pennsylvania girl, I studied communications/writing at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and worked at a local newspaper in PA before moving to Nashville. Years later, I completed my master’s in communication from Southern New Hampshire University. My professional writing experience includes technical writing, writing training materials, creating web-based courses, drafting communication plans and messages, editing of all kinds, and writing articles for a large department newsletter.
In 2013, God answered my prayers for a husband, who is a gift beyond what I could ask or imagine. Since then, my schedule and priorities have changed, but I still look for and experience God’s redemption in my life. I’m a lover of nature, and my thoughts about nature and God’s work in my life are often intertwined. You can read some of those thoughts on my blog. Thanks for stopping by!