Praying for Openness

I almost don’t want to say this out loud, but here goes: When I moved to Nashville as a much younger woman, I was convinced my destiny was to marry a Christian rock star.


With that kind of mindset, I wouldn’t have been very open to non-musicians who came across my path, would I?


Well, I wasn’t. But, of course, a lot has changed over the years, including me (thank God). The things that would prevent me from considering a man now have nothing to do with his occupation or musical talent.


Even so, as an older woman, I’ve traveled a new journey of openness over the last several years. Sometimes, when we’ve long held to ideas about the kind of person we will marry, where we will meet him and how he will magically fit into our existing world, we create our own barriers to meeting the right man. We may not even consider him because he doesn’t fit into our preconceived ideas of who he should be.


As we pray for God-directed strategies for pursuing marriage, let’s ask the Lord to give us fresh eyes and minds about who, what and how He wants to arrange it all.


Romans 12:2 says to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Pray for:

  • Revelation about ideas and mindsets that you need to let go of
  • Faith to believe that God’s way and God’s man will be good and acceptable and perfect for you
  • Fresh peace, freedom and joy in seeing God’s perspective and knowing His heart for your life

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