It seems I have much in common with the little drummer boy.
Photo from stock.xchng.
At least, that’s how I felt as I sang the Christmas classic with the church choir earlier this month. As another year comes to a close and the annual deep assessment of my life commences (well, it never really comes to a complete stop for me), the little drummer boy’s conclusion feels like my own.
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pa pum pum, that’s fit to give a King, pa rum pa pum pum…
And I can’t even play the drum. Or sing very well, for that matter.
As I ponder what continues to be a very challenging season of life, it’s easier to see my shortcomings and failures rather than my fruitfulness and usefulness in God’s kingdom. But the latter is what I long to lay before the King.
Truth is, when the little drummer boys of the world stand before the King, He’s not looking at their outward accomplishments. He’s looking at their hearts. He’s looking at mine. At yours. Whatever we believe and think about Him in our hearts is what we offer Him.
No matter what kind of season we’re having right now, the best gift we can give Him is our trust. Our faith. Our worship. Our unwavering belief in the Jesus who came to give us life, hope and purpose.
To offer Him that is to offer Him ourselves. And that’s the gift He can really use.
Then He smiled at me pa rum pa pum pum….
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