Praying for Even Bigger God-Directed Strategies

Last week’s prayer points focused on praying for God’s personal strategies for pursuing marriage.


And I’ve been thinking. What would happen if other believers started praying and partnering with us in this?


I mentioned a woman who started soliciting prayer partners as God put them on her heart. She was amazed by the encouraging words these women had for her as they prayed. She also said it opened the door for her to tell them she was open to being introduced to someone.


Because it sometimes feels like a taboo subject, desire for marriage isn’t something that Christian single women often bring up as a prayer request at small group or all-church prayer meetings. As a result, people may think that the professional, godly, single women at their church don’t really want to get married.


My prayer is that as we pray for, receive and begin to follow the personal strategies for marriage that God has for us, others in the Church will become aware of our desire and circumstance. And if they become aware and begin to pray, then they are in a position to become a part of the answer. Not just for individuals, but for the Christian women of an entire generation.


I Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.”


Pray for:

•      Greater awareness and compassion regarding singleness in the Church

•      New strategies, messages and hearts for bringing single men and women together

•      An increase in new relationships and marriages for Gen Xers this year

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