Song in the Night

Soon after Mom’s death, I longed increasingly to know what she was thinking and feeling. Did she know how we were doing? Did she even need to know? Only the Lord could answer these questions that arose from my well of sorrow. So I expressed my thoughts to Him during a morning walk in softly falling snow.

Later that afternoon I had some free time and did some exercises in my parents’ basement. I put on a CD that my mom had enjoyed. A particularly worshipful and reverent song came on, an anthem of exaltation to the Lord. With great crescendo it moved into these lyrics:


Blessing and honor

Glory and power

Unto the Lord be praised

Sing with the chorus

Resounding before us

Holy is His name


Suddenly I envisioned angels and believers worshipping the exalted Christ, the ever-living God, in heaven. I felt as if I were standing before His throne. The moment was so amazing that I had to put the weights down and simply stand and sing in His presence. And once again, the Lord provided what I needed in the deepest place of my heart.

Instantly I knew what my mom was thinking and feeling…and doing. She was worshipping and exalting Jesus, joyously and reverently joining in with the heavenly chorus. I pictured her surrounded by a gigantic congregation, singing with her hands raised.

I don’t know exactly what believers who have gone before us are experiencing while we’re living on earth without them. The truth is, they have not yet received their glorified bodies and therefore aren’t raising physical hands as I envisioned. What I do know is that heaven is filled with worship.

And I know that as my heart worshipped God in a basement, wearing workout clothes and lifting weights, He answered my prayer. He gave me the song, the prayer in the night that Psalm 42:8 describes. He used it to fill my heart with peace and assurance that even though I could no longer have a relationship with my mom, He did. And He was telling me that all of her needs were met—met by His lovingkindness and physical presence as her heart overflows in response to Him.\.



One Response to “ “Song in the Night”

  1. Lynn says:

    I immersed myself in praise and worship music this past year after losing David, so I know exactly the feelings that you had. How can you not worship the King who is taking care of our loved ones, and who gives us such peace after our loss! I know that David and your mom will be standing together in worship, and I can't wait till we join them! You are a beautiful woman, with words that refresh and renew. I know that God will bring you more and more revelation in this new season! Love you!! Lynn

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