Posted by Joanne in Poetry, prayer poems
on Apr 5th, 2012 | 0 comments
Jesus, Redemption, Redeemer— in You is my everything. My failures defeated, my sin forgiven. My fears calmed, my weakness strengthened. My deaths turned into resurrection— new beginnings, new dreams, new life. Stir my heart, Lord Jesus, to pursue You more deeply more faithfully more passionately. I long to meet with You in the mornings and hear Your voice clearly, my heart spilling with praise. I long to worship You in the evenings, refreshed with Your truth, closing my day with peace and prayer. Help me see all around me Your invitations to relationship, to...
Posted by Joanne in Poetry, prayer poems
on Mar 29th, 2012 | 2 comments
Sovereign Lord, Designer of all— from the pattern of stars splayed across the skies to the detailed shapes of flower petals Your purpose is fulfilled— intentional beauty nothing wasted nothing without benefit nothing that cannot be redeemed In You I find the hope for all my failures, the strength in all my weaknesses Crafter of hearts, Creator of souls: I trust You to fulfill Your beautiful intentional purpose in who I am nothing wasted nothing without benefit nothing unredeemed Amen. ...
Posted by Joanne in Poetry, prayer poems
on Mar 22nd, 2012 | 0 comments
You are Beyond – Above – Higher and Highest: You are the one who surpasses all. You rise above thought, imagination, dream, desire and fulfill what we did not know we longed for— oh, how wonderful You are, and terrible in one. Awesome, to be feared: Sovereign. In that word is my sanctuary, in that word is my fear in that word Your goodness permeates until my heart is at rest, until my hands open and release, until my spirit receives that which is Above, Beyond, Higher and Highest. ...
Posted by Joanne in Poetry, prayer poems
on Mar 15th, 2012 | 0 comments
Who can know the heart like You— Its needs and wants, its pleasures small Its grief and joy, its prayers—all Is known and heard by You. All will be answered, all made new. Who can dream the dreams of God? The breath of life within our souls; The stars above, the fields below; How justice touched by mercy’s rod Can ransom sinners through His blood? Who else deserves such trusting praise; Whose image shines in every face; Who gives the lonely each a place And is the rest in troubling days, The Promise kept in every age? Who but You, and You alone; Unsurpassable, not fully known Yet...
Posted by Joanne in Poetry, prayer poems
on Mar 8th, 2012 | 3 comments
O God of Higher Ways, O Lord of Greater Thoughts: You have graced my life thus far with more than I could have guessed. In Your thoughts redemption originated; in Your gift of Christ it was accomplished. Your heart and mind overwhelm me, yet Your Spirit brings comfort and peace. Oh Father, You know the full number of my days and the hundreds of little destinies within each one. Open my eyes to see them. Empower my feet to follow You. I release my limited dreams and desires to You. Sweep me into the star-filled skies of Your possibilities, into the length and breadth...